Throw-Away Smoke Device with Pepper Option
Lightweight and Economical Riot Control Solution Emits Smoke or Smoke/Pepper for up to 2 Minutes

- Product Order Number: PT 707 (Smoke or Smoke/Pepper)
- Total Weight: 164 grams (5.8 ounces)
- Size: 5 inches tall x 2 inch diameter
The Throw-Away Smoke Device from Lamperd Less Lethal offers an economical option for riot control and disbursal of unruly persons which is very lightweight allowing large numbers of units to be carried. This device will emit white smoke for up to 2 minutes and is also available with the option to emit both Smoke and Pepper Compound for stronger effect.
Total weight is 164 grams. Size is only 5 inches tall with a 2 inch diameter. The device is coated in paraffin wax to make it weather resistant. The body of the device is made of lightweight plastic and cardboard so no harmful debris are produced.
All components manufactured at the Lamperd Less Lethal plant in Sarnia, Ontario. Soon to be assembled in the US by a licensed agent.
For more information on US availability email Ed Bogats, Jr., PhD of EJC Security Services, Inc. via (412) 855-7964.