An Ideal Device to Counter School Shooting Situations
In a critical situation with an active shooter in a school or similar environment, the best defense option may be our Pepper Blast Device. This product will instantly cause serious impairment to the shooter’s respiratory system and eyes for up to 10 minutes. This significant impairment of the shooter has multiple benefits:
- Dramatically reduces or prevents any accurate targeting by the shooter
- Affords students time to get to a safe destination
- Gives school officials the opportunity to subdue the shooter
- A distinct advantage of the Lamperd Pepper Blast is that it does not require any careful aiming as with other pepper spray devices
- Pepper Blast DOES NOT release any harmful fragments upon discharge. The casing which ruptures is made only of soft plastic materials
- Pepper Blast can be used for Area Denial Tactics to keep a shooter away from students allowing more escape time
Every school official can be equipped with Lamperd Pepper Blast Devices which pose no real threat of causing serious harm to students and will be at the ready to stop an active shooter long enough to end the deadly threat. In light of school shooting events that have sadly been in the news headlines recently, we ask that serious consideration is given to employing the Lamperd Pepper Blast solution which can save innocent lives in the future.
Please contact us via for further information on this product as well as training for appropriate use. We will help in every way that we can. Thanks and God Bless.
Outdoor demonstration of Pepper Blast on a volunteer subject. The excessive coughing which can be heard here is a clear indication of the severe respiratory distress caused by this product allowing the subject to be easily subdued. Note: The visible cloud of pepper is actually only a portion of the discharge. There is also an invisible component that engulfs a target area of approximately 20 feet.
Lamperd’s Pepper Blast is also a very effective crowd control device which can disable all aggressive persons within a 20 foot diameter area.
Lamperd Less Lethal Offers 37mm Launched Aerial Burst OC Pepper or CS Tear Gas Devices to Counter Active Shooters at Schools or Other Public Places
In addition to the OC Pepper Blast hand-thrown device recently introduced, Lamperd also has available a 37mm Aerial Burst launching option that will allow shooters to be stopped from longer ranges without the use of deadly force. Both the hand- thrown and 37mm launched devices dispense a powerful OC Pepper or CS Tear Gas compound* which can immediately incapacitate an active shooter with severe respiratory distress and impairment of vision for up to 10 minutes. The 37mm launching system can be handled by authorized users even if they are small in stature.
NOTE: The ammunition for Lamperd’s 37mm OC Pepper or CS Tear Gas option can only be purchased by police, military and private officials who have been trained and certified for use of these products. This ammunition is NOT available to the general public.
Lamperd is currently conducting training courses in the United States for police officers and certifying them to become instructors who can, in turn, train others in the proper use of Lamperd products to deal with active shooter situations. To date, over 50 officers in 7 different states have been certified as instructors for this purpose and more will be forthcoming. These courses are administered by Lamperd’s VP of Training, Ed Bogats, Jr., PhD, based in Pittsburgh, PA who is highly qualified and experienced in the field of law enforcement. Dr. Bogats’ credentials are available upon request.
Additionally, it is important to point out that after disbursal, the 37mm rounds leave no fragments or other harmful pieces behind, only very lightweight debris as shown here:
The following video demonstrates the effective use of Lamperd Less Lethal options in tactical situations including the school environment:
Lamperd Less Lethal wishes to do everything possible to provide real solutions to the crisis of active shooters in schools and other public places. With the combination of our hand-thrown Pepper Blast device and our 37mm Launcher options we can help ensure that innocent lives will be much better protected in the future.
* Although Lamperd offers both the OC Pepper and CS Tear Gas options, we strongly recommend that only the OC Pepper variety devices be used in the school environment. Cross contamination of the CS Tear Gas may present some hazard potential to innocent persons who have any existing breathing conditions such as asthma.
Pepper Blast for Aggressive Dog Protection
and Animal Control
Lamperd’s new Pepper Blast device is an ideal method for warding off aggressive dogs or other unwanted animals when properly used by trained personnel. Animal Control Officers, Police and other field professionals face the problem of protecting themselves from aggressive dogs or other animals on a regular basis. Traditional pepper sprays are not effective because they are very difficult to aim in a stressful situation. Pepper Blast now offers a better solution which can immediately ward off and drive away any animal without having to resort to the use of deadly force.
Thrown anywhere in the vicinity of the animal, Pepper Blast disburses a cloud of a powerful but harmless pepper compound that will repel any animal because of the severe distress it causes to the respiratory system and eyes. The effective coverage of the cloud is an area of approximately a 20-foot radius. There is also a loud popping sound which will startle and help frighten away animals. Pepper Blast does not release any harmful fragments, only the potent pepper compound.
In this animal control application, Pepper Blast is an option that is both humane for the animals and affords much better protection for users than common pepper sprays or other repellant measures. Lamperd Less Lethal offers training classes taught by experienced and accredited instructors to ensure that this product is used properly and effectively.
This video shows a training demonstration for aggressive dog control with Pepper Blast. NOTE: in the video the Pepper Blast device being used is INERT (contains no actual pepper compound). However, it can be clearly seen that the dog immediately backs off and moves away when the Pepper Blast unit is discharged due to the startling and disorienting effects. Also, there are no harmful fragments released. In a real-world situation, the added effect of the powerful but harmless pepper compound would make it impossible for the dog to continue any aggressive action.
PLEASE NOTE: This video was shot with a trained dog who works with law enforcement personnel on a regular basis. He was not harmed in any way and was perfectly happy to participate in our filming so long as he got hit treats after every shot -which he did!